Blogs > Kid You Not

Kid You Not believes in the Wizard of Oz style of parenting: All you need is a brain, some courage and a heart. Oh, and some Jager.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Handy Manny, indeed

News item: MIDDLETOWN, N.J. (AP) — Children here got more than they bargained for when they tuned in to "Handy Manny" on the Disney Channel this week — hard-core pornography. Cable giant Comcast is investigating how the porn was broadcast during the popular cartoon, which is about a bilingual handyman, Manny Garcia, and his talking tools. Customer Paul Dunleavy was stunned Tuesday morning to find his 5-year-old son watching the broadcast.
"It was two people doing their thing; it was full-on and it was disgusting," the father of three told The New York Daily News.
This is kind of funny, because every time I watch Handy Manny with the kids I can’t help thinking this is basically the plot of every 70’s porn movie ever made.


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