Blogs > Kid You Not

Kid You Not believes in the Wizard of Oz style of parenting: All you need is a brain, some courage and a heart. Oh, and some Jager.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A Chuck Norris joke

Kid You Not rarely delves into politics, except for using exceptional diplomatic skills when one daughter ends up with slightly more ice cream and the other daughter starts acting like an insulted North Korean dictator.
But this health care town hall screamfest stuff is getting too crazy. Consider Chuck Norris’ column this week on “Obamacare.” Yes, the Chuck Norris. As in “Walker, Texas Ranger.” As in “The Octagon,” a totally awesome movie.
He writes: “Dirty secret No. 1 in Obamacare is about the government’s (sic) coming into homes and usurping parental rights over child care and delelopment.” He’s citing the House bill’s section on “home visitation programs for families with young children and families expecting children.” Then he starts down the path to loopy land: “Are we to assume the state’s mediators would understand every parent’s social or religious core values on parenting? Or would they teach some secular-progressive and religiously neutered version of parental values and wisdom? And if they were to consult and coach those who expect babies, would they ever decide circumstances to be not beneficial for the children and encourage abortions?”
Then I realized what he was railing about. Programs like Connecticut’s Birth To Three, which sends nurses and other experts to help new parents with issues like recognizing developmental delays in infants. Birth to Three and programs like it get some federal funding. It’s taxpayer money well spent. I know, because my wife and I qualified for Birth to Three benefits after our daughter was born premature nine years ago. The Birth To Three nurse came to our house, observed our daughter and talked to us about what to watch out for.
For Chuck Norris to imply that this is the same as “government agents” telling me how to raise my children is downright idiotic or an intentional attempt to whip up anti-goverment sentiment — which leads directly to what is happening at these town hall meetings. I understand the angry right hates Obama as much as the angry left hated George Bush, but crucial efforts like health care reform is not the same as starting a war.
The debate doesn’t need Chuck Norris’ bizarre rantings. I will now enjoy the scene in “Enter the Dragon” where Bruce Lee kicks Chuck Norris’ ass even more.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know that this article ran over a mont ago but I want to ask which war you are worried about Mr. Bush starting: The one in Iraq that Mr. Obama has not withdrawn from or the one in Afghanistan that Mr. Obama keeps sending more troops to? That is all the left can do is blame Mr. Bush for everything. At what point is Mr. Obama going to be held accountable for his actions?

10:37 AM 

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