Torture, right here at home

Don’t have sympathy for Colleen and Anthony Hauser. They could be the worst parents on earth.
The Minnesota couple has refused to allow their 13-year-old son to undergo chemotherapy treatment for Hodgkin’s lymphona, a highly-treatable form of cancer. They are citing their religious beliefs and are fighting a court order to turn their son over to doctors for treatment.
The couple follow that is called the Nemenhah Band. The Missouri-based religious group believes in natural healing methods advocated by some American Indians. That’s fine if we’re talking about a head cold. But Daniel Hauser is dying and needs immediate help.
There is no god, Indian or otherwise, who would instruct parents to let their child die slowly and painfully. As usual with religious fundamentals, this is all about their desire to feel omnipotent, even if it’s at the expense of a loved one. Their lives are worthless and a complete mess, so they turn to radical religious movements to feel empowered. Last year, a Wisconsin couple let their daughter die of treatable diabetes because they wanted to cure her through prayer. These fundamentalists, be they Christian, Muslim or Jew, are the worst. God is their addiction, the same as meth or crack. And everyone around them eventually suffers.
You can be sure that if Anthony Hauser got in a car crash and smashed his legs, he’d beg the ambulance to get him to the hospital faster. If Colleen Hauser ruptured a cyst, she’d race to the clinic. But they’ve brainwashed their son into saying he doesn’t want chemo.
So please don't buy their arguments about religious freedoms and government intrusion. They are torturing their son and it must stop.