Jon & Kate plus hate
My extortionist cable company took away The Learning Channel last year because I wouldn’t give them more money, so I don’t get to watch “Jon & Kate plus 8.” I used to watch the show when it started, and it was like seeing an accident on the highway. You’re glad it’s not you pinned in the wreckage.
Parenting two kids is hard enough. I imagine raising eight is damn near impossible, under the best circumstances. So when mom and dad hit the rocks, the kids lose. What must it be like for the two older girls? Their mom and dad go on national television and announce their break up. Dad says “This is the hardest episode ever.” Mom says “The show must go on.” Message to kids: fame is more important than you.
As my wife and I raise our two daughters, we’re confronted with problems that need work. An issue at school. A problem with a friend. We try and handle the problem the best way we can and hopefully it doesn’t get worse. It’s the best any parent can do. A divorce and lust for fame and money probably means Jon and Kate will miss spotting some of these problems. So they’re going to get worse.
Then again, what the heck do I know? Television is fiction. Perhaps Jon and Kate have a handle on their kids and will provide an emotional foundation, despite the divorce and the appearance of a complete family disaster.
Let’s hope this reality show is not reality.