Blogs > Kid You Not

Kid You Not believes in the Wizard of Oz style of parenting: All you need is a brain, some courage and a heart. Oh, and some Jager.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Pope stands up for ugly kids

The pope and I aren’t usually on the same wavelength (What the heck is wrong with condoms? Well, Mike, this is the pope speaking. When your daughter turns 16 and you find some in her backpack, you come talk to me), but I’m totally with the pontiff on this one.
Pope Benedict XVI this week sent word to the U.N. forum on race in Geneva that he’s ticked off about technology allowing parents to choose the genetic characteristics of their babies. He said this threatens to breen new forms of racism.
“The Holy See is also alarmed by the still latent temptation of eugenics that can be fueled by techniques of artificial procreation and the use of ‘superfluous embryos’,” Archbishop Silvano Tomasi, Vatican observer to the U.N. in Geneva said. “The possibility of choosing the color of the eyes or other physical characteristic of a child could lead to the creation of a ‘subcategory of human beings’ or the elimination of human beings that do not fulfill the characteristics predetermined by a given society.”
I can tell you why the pope feels strongly about this. If every kid is perfect, where will the next Susan Boyle come from?

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Kid You Not, Inc. lays off child

PRNEWSWIRE — Kid You Not, Inc. LLC (Nasdaq -30) announced Wednesday, April 1, the firm has engaged a downsizing stragety designed to move the company forward in a difficult economic climate.
“Kid You Not will be a more focused and stronger company with this move,” Chief Financial Officer Mike Foley said.
The four-person company will be strategically reduced to a three-person working unit. Foley said the company will now be able engage the market earlier, thanks to fewer disputes over underwear in the wrong employee’s drawer and misplaced information transportation devices.
The companies two top employees, including Foley, have received performance and retention bonuses that involve an earlier bedtime for the younger worker and more private time for senior employees. Job counseling services have been made available to the impacted employee, such as where to charge the DS and where to file for play date benefits.