Can't stop the Croc
The newspapers in my town (I don’t live in the Register’s circulation area) are missing a hot story.
My daughter’s elementary school has told kids to not wear Crocs and flip flops to school. With about two weeks to go before summer break and hot temperatures here, you might as well tell these kids not to breathe.
There’s a few really important things in an 8-year-old girl’s life: Hannah Montana, Crocs and those little things you stick into the Crocs. Everything else is just noise.
The bad news was delivered in the school’s Friday Flash newsletter. Flip flops and Crocs are prone to slipping off and are unsafe, the principal said.
“But Crocs have a back strap,” my daughter wailed.
I was tempted to tell her to fight the power, but she can wait a few years before letting the Chuck D in her emerge. Rules are rules, I said.
Much Croc-shod foot stomping ensued.