School: It can't come too early

Fellow Register blogger Randall Beach has clearly lost his mind. He writes that he and his teenage daughters lament the start of school, and wish for a few more carefree days.
Randy is obviously living in crazytown.
At my house, the start of school is Christmas, Halloween and your birthday wrapped into one fantastic day. Late August prior to the start of school is worse than hearing Britney Spears has a new song out. Vacations are over, day camps are done and everybody is getting on everybody’s one remaining nerve.
So what’s better than two bags of Cheetos falling from the vending machine after you paid for one? The first day of school. Our 7-year-old daughter is a refocused second-grader, no longer dependant on mom and dad every waking moment.
My wife and I were seriously considering putting a backpack on our precocious 3-year-old daughter and having her join the scrum at the bus stop and then wander around big sister’s school. She kind of looks like a kindergartner, so what’s the harm?
A state senator from Meriden wants to pass a law requiring schools to start after Labor Day. This is the worst idea from a politican since Sen. Larry Craig decided to use the men’s room.
I say start school in mid-August and end school earlier. My daughter’s last class this year was June 23. July 4th was the following week, so summer already seemed half over.
Let Randy mourn the end of summer. I’ll be too busy celebrating my favorite holiday — First Day of School.