It's called torture
I’m not a really religious guy. My family goes to church on Sunday and we try to live peaceful, decent lives. We’re good neighbors and I don’t drive 55 mph in the fast lane. My men’s hockey league doesn’t even allow checking. I figure all that gets me in good with God.
So why is it the most pious people are the most screwed up? This news about a Wisconsin couple who let their 11-year-old daughter die of diabetes because they figured prayer would cure her makes me really sad. For one month they watched her slowly die, as the treatable condition caused naseau, vomiting, excessive thirst, loss of appetite and weakness. They did nothing.
“our lives are in God’s hands. We know we did not do anything criminal. We know we did the best for our daughter we knew how to do,” the mother, Leilani Neumann, told the Associated Press.
They did the best for their daughter? The girl hadn’t been to a doctor since she was 3 years old.
This couple put their crackpot religious ideals ahead of their children. They are not people of faith, just lazy deadbeat criminals who need to have their three other children taken away quickly. You can be sure if dad had chest pains or mom sprained her ankle, they would be at the nearest clinic.
Fundamentalists, be they Christian, Muslim or Jew, are the worst. God is their addiction, the same as meth or crack. And everyone around them eventually suffers.
“Our lives are in God’s hands and whatever we go through we are just going to trust him,” the mother said. “We need healing. We are going through the healing process.”
Not your daughter. She’s dead, you killed her and God’s really pissed off.